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Scandal: Crossing Boundaries (Scandal Series #1 INTERRACIAL ROMANCE) Page 3
Scandal: Crossing Boundaries (Scandal Series #1 INTERRACIAL ROMANCE) Read online
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Keisha did not give a damn what those racist motha fuckas thought. And for someone so sick, Davonte sure did not sound like it.
"I can't go back," Keisha said quietly. After she explained, she was sure Davonte would see it her way.
Davonte paused. "Why can't you?"
After a moment, Keisha quickly outlined what happened with Demarion.
Expecting sympathy from her husband after her tale, Keisha was shocked when Davonte simply said, "So?"
Fire blazed to life in her chest at his casual dismissal and it was hard to resist the sudden urge to stand up and rake her nails across his light, caramel skin.
This nigga is really trying me!
Turning to look up in his handsome face, Keisha demanded, "What the hell you mean so? That was some out-of-pocket shit that nigga pulled. I had every right to quit!"
Glaring down at her silk, see-through blouse and large breasts, Davonte said, "Shit, you probably brought it on yourself."
Keisha's jaw dropped, needing a forklift to pick it back up. No this nigga did not just tell her some preposterous shit like that. If he kept on, he was about to find out that he was married to Cat Woman.
"And even if what you saying is true, women go through this type of shit all the time in the work place. Hell, it even happens at my job seasonally. Ain't nothing you can do about it, Keisha. It's just how the world works in a man's world." Davonte shook his head. "I don't care what that man did, you going back and asking for your job back. If he really did what you said, I'm sure he'll give it back because his ass will be afraid about what will happen if word gets out."
Shooting to her feet, not able to take Davonte's lack of empathy any longer, Keisha yelled in Davonte's face, "Motha fucka—"
Keisha almost thought she got slapped by Davonte's next words.
"Because I got some shit I need to tell you."
Feeling like the part of the burger she ate was about to rise up from the pits of her stomach, Keisha asked, "What?"
Davonte looked at the floor in silence for a moment, and then leveled his green-eyed gaze on her. Keisha knew then that she was about to be hit by a brick.
"I ain't gettin no raise."
Chapter 4
"You need me to fly out there and whoop that nigga's ass?"
Keisha sighed into her cell while she lounged in her bubble bath the next day. "No momma." Davonte was off at work and her two boys were down in the living room, playing their Playstation, giving her a much needed break.
"Girl, he should know better than to talk to my baby like that. I don't care if he look like a model. I'll knock the little nigga out."
Keisha let out a little giggle. No matter how down she was, her momma Joy always managed to get a good laugh out of her. After a moment of chuckling, she leaned against the side of the tub, her arm hanging off the side. "Well when we had calmed down later, he did speak some truth like, what if he had upped and quit his job on me. How would I feel?"
Sucking in her breath on the other end of the line, Joy burst out with, "Gurl, I don't wanna hear that shit! Didn't you say the nigga was going around frontin like he was bout to have it like baby Jesus? Get on outta here with that mess. The nigga was just begging for you to quit!"
Chuckling, Keisha replied, "Well it is true momma. I acted kind of irrationally. We got a mortgage and nothing but bills to pay. I just had a bad day with those bad ass kids and those bitches talking about me. Now what they were saying was no worse than usual, but when Demarion tried me like that, I could not take it anymore."
"Oh yeah girl, what you going to do about that?" Joy asked. "If that were me, I'd already filed the lawsuit papers on his black ass."
Keisha sighed. "I don't know yet."
"Girl, go on down to that courthouse and file them damn papers. What's wrong with you? Once you sue the school board, you both won't have to worry about no damn job."
Keisha rolled her eyes. "Momma please, that broke ass school board ain't got no damn money. This corrupt ass city is bankrupt as hell. All I'll end up doing is going through a lengthy court case and wind up with nothing in the end, having spent a fortune on lawyers. Meanwhile, our black asses will be out on the street, or living in the projects on the Southside."
"Or coming back home to live with yo momma," her mom was quick to say. "I'll be more than happy to have my baby and my grandbabies with me."
That will never happen, Keisha thought.
"Anyway momma, that will just have to wait until I get some legal advice." Keisha moved one of her legs to her left. The water was starting to get cold. "It's not something I want to rush into. If I go through with something like this and it doesn't turn out right, I might never be able to get a decent job again."
"Well what you gonna do in the meantime? Since that nigga lied and fronted, making you think it was okay to quit your job, you can't simply sit on yo ass and wish those bills away...and you damn sure ain't going back to that raggedy ass school."
I know that's right.
Sighing, Keisha agreed, "I got to get me another job."
"You have the job," the blonde secretary told her.
Holding in a sigh of relief, Keisha felt the tension flow from her body.
She had been looking for a job as a substitute teacher for over a week. She had gotten several call backs for possible working dates, but she really was looking for something more long term.
Luckily for her, a vacancy had opened up at a school that was several blocks from her house, still on the good side of Chicago.
The school had taken the first applicant that could fill the emergency opening, which so happened to be Keisha. But it was funny; someone must not have read the name on the application, because when she walked through the door, the white interviewee's looked shocked.
They almost looked as if they wanted to instantly turn her away, but once she started speaking and told them about her credentials they relaxed...just a little bit.
"You start as soon as tomorrow," the woman told her, giving her all the details about taking over the departing teacher's study guides and notes.
"That's wonderful," Keisha said rising to her feet after the woman was done.
She needed to get back to her car, where her little boys were waiting. Keisha had already been in the school building for about forty-five minutes. That was long enough for the boys to start cutting up and acting a fool.
She had left them her pc tablet that she had loaded up with games to play with. So they at least had something to keep them occupied, but she knew it would be only a matter of time before they started arguing over that.
"Oh and Keisha," the secretary said, pronouncing her name like 'Kesha'. In a rush to get back to her babies, Keisha did not feel like bothering with correcting the woman.
Putting on a fake smile at the doorway, she asked pleasantly, "Yes?"
The woman looked at her curly hair for a moment, which was in its natural state as usual, before saying with a weak smile, "Maybe you'd like to try a different hairstyle."
"Can you believe the white bitch told me I needed to straighten my hair?" Keisha asked in disbelief.
"Mmm mmm mmmm," came her mother's reply through the cell phone, "white folks ain't happy if yo hair is nappy."
Sitting in her car with her two children outside a Rite Aid, Keisha was debating on whether or not to get a relaxer. Remembering how her hair used to behave when her mother made her wear it when she was younger, shedding and falling out all the time, she was reluctant to go through with the process.
"But you gotta do what you gotta do," said momma Joy. "Those bills ain't gone get paid by frontin ass niggas and a big ass planted at home on the couch, gettin fatter."
"You right momma," Keisha agreed, nodding her head, "you right." She let out a sigh. "Let me go on up in here and get the shit then. If I'm going to get one, I'll do it myself instead of going to the shop and letting one of them bitches fuck up my head."
"Go on g
irl, with yo bad self," her momma encouraged. "I'll talk to you later baby...love you...and tell my grandbabies I love them too."
"I will," Keisha assured her. "Bye momma, love you."
"Bye suga."
"Watch what you doing Jamal!" Keisha half-yelled to her eldest while she stood bent over the sink with her eyes tightly shut, the sound of water in her ears.
The poor baby had almost put relaxer into her eyes.
She was having him help her wash off the residue of the chemicals before she put the neutralizing shampoo in. Not knowing any better, he had wiped his hands over his mother's eyes while scrubbing at the relaxer in her hair. She was lucky that she had closed them right before he put his little hands in her face.
"I'm sorry momma," Jamal apologized. "I can't see you down there." The small boy stood propped on a stool beside his mother.
"Just be careful," Keisha said, softening her tone. She hadn't meant to snap on the poor thing.
She heard Lamar laugh somewhere behind her. "Ha-ha, Jamal getting in trouble," he teased.
"Shut up Lamar!" Jamal snapped.
"Both of y'all be quiet!" Keisha demanded, concerned about her head. Let the two little niggas fight when she wasn't in danger of burning out her scalp. Her head had been stinging before she had rushed to the sink to get the chemicals washed out.
After her hair had been rinsed out and neutralized, she thanked her baby and went into the bathroom to get a look at her relaxed locks.
"It looks like it took good," she said with relief, running her hand through all the waves that flowed down to the middle of her back. It felt super soft and manageable. Now it would be easy to straighten.
She made a face at the mirror, tossing her wet hair about. "Telling me to straighten my hair. Well, I got something for her valleygurl lookin ass."
Later that evening, when Davonte was home from work, eating his dinner she had cooked for him, he nodded at her head, which was now wrapped in a silk scarf. "What's with that shit?"
Davonte had become overjoyed at the news that she had gotten a job and was now in a good mood. While Keisha was pleased that he was happy, she still felt slightly ill towards him for how callously he treated her during their argument they had last week.
Regardless of whether she had reacted irrationally, that was no excuse for what Demarion had did.
Tearing her eyes away from the dish she was scrubbing, Keisha asked, "What's with what?"
Davonte made a face. "That rag on yo head."
Keisha quickly told him about how the audacious secretary had the nerve to suggest she change her hairstyle.
"It makes sense," Davonte said, noisily chewing on a pork chop. "I would have suggested the same thing if I were in her position. You know that school is like ninety-nine point nine-percent white. It comes with the territory."
That was something Keisha did not want to think about because it was making her nervous. Knowing how ignorant some white kids could be, she worried that she might have to quit her new job with a quickness if any of her new students dared act racist towards her.
Getting disrespected by bad ass kids just because they had no home training was one thing, but getting disrespected by some mean-spirited, ignorant white kids who had home training, but were raised to be ignorant by their parents, was another.
"I'm just happy you did something different with your hair for once," Davonte said.
Turning back to her dishes, Keisha said softly, "Well I'm not."
Later on, while she was doing laundry, she noticed some white, crusty stains on Davonte's silk boxers, gluing the slit entrance together. Now Keisha was no fool and instantly recognized the stains for what they were.
Is this nigga jacking off at work? she wondered.
If he was, she could hardly blame him. She hadn't been attentively lately, which she was going to have to work on. Though it puzzled her, how he could be whacking off at his job with the work environment he was in.
Maybe he does that mess in the bathroom.
She stood there for a moment, staring at the obvious cum stains, wondering if she should confront him about it.
Why bother? she thought. He's just going to lie anyway. And I know he can't be cheating on me with how busy he is at work, so it ain't that big of a deal.
She had to believe that.
When it was time for bed, she lay against Davonte's bare chest in her flimsy night gown, her anxiety in over drive.
"I'm sorry about how I acted last week," Davonte apologized, gently rubbing her arm, sending goose bumps along her soft skin.
Keisha looked up into his green eyes, surprised. This was the first time he had mentioned their argument.
"Really?" she asked.
Davonte nodded, kissing her softly on the cheek. "That was wrong of me to react the way I did. I was just upset that you had quit your job without telling me." He paused, his expression becoming angry. "What that nigga did was inexcusable. I need to go up there and beat the nigga's ass, but it's alright. When we got time, we'll see about filing a lawsuit."
Filled with appreciation, Keisha felt warmth flow through her stomach. Now this is how Davonte should have acted in the first place, standing up for his woman and recognizing when a wrong had been committed.
They lay in silence for several minutes before Davonte said, "Keisha."
"Can you suck my dick before we knock out?"
So this is why this nigga is acting all sweet!
It took a moment for her to push the anger away and not instantly start cursing her man out. Remembering the cum stains and her promise to try to get their intimacy back on track, she knew she should try to be reasonable with his request.
After a moment she replied, "Okay."
Davonte smiled, placing his muscled arms back behind his head against the headboard, getting mighty comfortable.
Wait a minute? I'm the one who is nervous. Shouldn't this nigga be the one giving me head?
The thought gave her brief pause. The truth was, she was so nerve-wracked about her new job, that she could not get in the mood to be pleasured. There were a lot of what ifs going through her head at that moment.
She worried about being treated like a social outcast, mistreated based on her race. She worried that Demarion might call up the school and tell vicious lies about her, getting her fired before she could get her first paycheck. And lastly, she worried about how quitting her job may end up hurting her career.
Throwing the covers down below Davonte's legs, Keisha started with tenderly kissing her husband on the neck, eliciting soft groans from his full lips. Then she slowly worked her way down to his hairless chest, licking and teasing, massaging his inner thigh at the same time.
As she made her way down her husband's abs, she could feel his big, hard dick pressing against her breasts. She watched as Davonte closed his eyes, his body shivering with anticipation when her head became leveled with the impressive tent straining against the silk underwear.
With delicate care, Keisha pulled his throbbing cock out of the slit of the boxers, followed by his large ball sack. Immediately when she saw it, she felt nausea hit her stomach.
Davonte cracked open one eye, peering down at her suspiciously. "What's wrong baby?"
Quickly shaking her head, Keisha lied, "Nothing baby, just relax."
She gripped the base of his shaft, watching his swollen head swell from the pressure. Davonte had a big, juicy dick. When they first got together it had never failed to turn her on. But lately, just looking at it made her sick.
For some reason, as she aged and grew more mature, sucking dick started to feel like a chore that was beneath her dignity. She tried very hard to not let her distaste for it show whenever he asked for it, but it was becoming difficult to keep up the charade.
I got to get into it, she told herself. The nigga knows I'm hatin it half the time.
As she bent forward to wrap her lips around his head, she noticed that his balls w
ere clean shaven. The last time she remembered they had been hairier than a motha fucka. It struck her as a bit odd, but she knew he was forever scratching at his balls, so maybe this was just his way of getting relief.
She wrapped her lips around his swollen head, filling the room with a succulent slurping sound.
Davonte groaned with pleasure. "There you go gurl. Slurp that dick."
Moving her hand up his shaft, she pulled back and rolled her tongue along his swollen head, hitting the sensitive spots while stroking his fat dick. She continued this for a minute, shying away from putting her mouth back around his throbbing pole.
But Davonte knew she was cock dodging. "Come on Keisha," he groaned. "Stop playin and take that big dick down your throat."
Holding back a nasty retort, Keisha bent forward reluctantly, wrapping her lips back around the head. She begin going up and down, barely going past his head, while stroking his dick.
Davonte groaned, and moved his hands down on top of her head, his hands gripping the sides of her silk scarf.
This damn fool is gonna fuck up my wrap!
Slowly, Davonte began to guide her head, pushing it down while he humped upward into her mouth. Keisha struggled not to gag as his thrusts got deeper, fuller, the fat dick forcing her mouth wide.
Lord, this nigga is trying me, suffocating my ass.
Keisha tried to slow his momentum by firmly gripping his cock, but he continued to buck, sending the fat dick deep into her mouth. Suddenly, the anxiety of everything that was going on hit her, and she felt her stomach rebel.
Davonte jumped out of the bed, scattering like a roach hit by Raid, knocking Keisha unceremoniously to the side.
"Gurl what the fuck is wrong with you?" Davonte asked with disgust, grabbing a Kleenex off the nightstand and wiping at himself.
Unable to respond, Keisha rushed to their adjacent bathroom and began heaving into the toilet. After several minutes of this, she got up and rinsed her mouth with toothpaste and then reemerged into their bedroom.